If you'd like to request multiple color samples, hold the 'Ctrl' key for PC or the "command" key for Mac and click on each color you'd like a sample of Bone WhiteMist WhitePure WhiteMilk WhiteLight GreySmokeless GreyDolphin GreyBlackBright RedREF RedSK BlueEV BlueYellowSunflowerMica GreyAnodized ClearAnodized ChampagneAnodized BlackMetallic BronzeMetallic Pure SilverMetallic PewterMetallic Smooth PewterMetallic Dark GreyMetallic Smooth SilverMetallic ChampagneBrushed Zinc CharcoalBrushed Zinc LightBrushed Zinc DarkBrushed BronzeStainless SteelZincCopperWood Grain WalnutWood Grain Maple